2020年CCF全国计算机体系结构学术年会(CCF ACA 2020)将于8月10日-16日在线上举行,大会主题为“新黄金时代的计算机体系结构”。围绕云计算、大数据、物联网、人工智能、边缘计算等领域的计算机系统和体系结构前沿问题,举办包括特邀报告、学术报告、专题论坛、教学培训、海报展示、设计竞赛等一系列精彩丰富的活动。
CCF ACA 2020大会8月14日上午主论坛中,Xilinx Fellow,Kees Vissers将为大家带来赛灵思ACAP架构分享。 ACAP 是赛灵思推出的高度集成的多核异构计算平台,能根据各种应用与工作负载的需求从硬件层对其进行灵活修改。ACAP 可在工作过程中进行动态调节的自适应能力,可实现 CPU 与 GPU 所无法企及的性能与性能功耗比。
Kees Vissers, Xilinx Fellow
@08.14日 10:30-11:10
(Zoom ID:865 3805 3056)
Versal: The Xilinx Adaptive Compute Acceleration Platforms (ACAP)
In this presentation I will present the Xilinx Versal Platform. I will show the overall system architecture of the family of devices including the Arm cores (scalar engines), the programmable logic (Adaptable Engines) and the new vector processor cores (AI engines). I will focus on the new AI engines in more detail and I will show some application domains, including Machine Learning and 5G wireless applications. The first device in this family contains 400 of these vector processor cores. These complete devices are supported by an integrated programming environment. The commercial application in 5G processing is showing promising results.
Kees Vissers graduated from Delft University in the Netherlands. He worked at Philips Research in Eindhoven, the Netherlands, for many years. The work included Digital Video system design, HW –SW co-design, VLIW processor design and dedicated video processors. He was a visiting industrial fellow at Carnegie Mellon University, where he worked on early High Level Synthesis tools. He was a visiting industrial fellow at UC Berkeley where he worked on several models of computation and dataflow computing. He was a director of architecture at Trimedia, and CTO at Chameleon Systems. For more than a decade he is heading a team of researchers at Xilinx, including a significant part of the Xilinx European Laboratories. The research topics include next generation programming environments for processors and FPGA fabric, high-performance video systems, machine learning applications and architectures, wireless applications and new datacenter applications. He has been instrumental in the High-Level Synthesis technology and one of the technical leads in the architecture of the AI engines technology. He is a Fellow at Xilinx.
ACA2020会议采用ZOOM系统,大会主会议和分论坛的Zoom会议室ID是相同的,会议ID:865 3805 3056
(ID:865 3805 3056)
CCF ACA2020大会主会议
来源: Xilinx技术社区