
set_clock_groups -logically_exclusive -group clk0 -group clk1
如果路径 A、B 或 C 仅有一个存在,那么 clk0 和/或 clk1 与多路复用时钟直接交互。
create_generated_clock -name clk0mux -divide_by 1 \
-source [get_pins mux/I0] [get_pins mux/O]
create_generated_clock -name clk1mux -divide_by 1 \
-add -master_clock clk1 \
-source [get_pins mux/I1] [get_pins mux/O]
set_clock_groups -physically_exclusive -group clk0mux -group clk1mu
logical_exclusive is used for two clocks that are defined on different source roots.
Logically exclusive clocks do not have any functional paths between them, but might have coupling interactions with each other.
An example of logically exclusive clocks is multiple clocks, which are selected by a MUX but can still interact through coupling upstream of the MUX cell.
When there are physically existing but logically false paths between the two clocks, use "set_clock_groups -logical_exclusive".
physical_exclusive is used for two clocks that are defined on the same source root by "create_clock -add".
Timing paths between these two clocks do not physically exist.
As a result you will need to use "set_clock_groups -physical_exclusive" to set them as false paths.