作者: 数字站
[Place 30-719] Sub-optimal placement for a global clock-capable IO pin-IDELAY-BUFG pair. If this sub optimal condition is acceptable for this design, you may use the CLOCK_DEDICATED_ROUTE constraint in the .xdc file to demote this message to a WARNING. However, the use of this override is highly discouraged. These examples can be used directly in the .xdc file to override this clock rule.
< set_property CLOCK_DEDICATED_ROUTE FALSE [get_nets dclk_r] >
and dclk_r_BUFG_inst (BUFG.I) is provisionally placed by clockplacer on BUFGCTRL_X0Y1。
图1 place 30-719报错
[Place 30-650] Non IO buffer dclk_IBUF_BUFG_inst{BUFG} is driving IDATAIN pin of IDELAY instance u_IDELAYE2. This will lead to unroutable situation. IDATAIN pin of IDELAY instance should always get signal from IO buffer or GND.
[Place 30-99] Placer failed with error: 'Implementation Feasibility check failed, Please see the previously displayed individual error or warning messages for more details.'
Please review all ERROR, CRITICAL WARNING, and WARNING messages during placement to understand the cause for failure.
[Common 17-69] Command failed: Placer could not place all instances
//--############################################################################################### //--# //--# File Name : top //--# Designer : 数字站 //--# Tool : Vivado 2017.4 //--# Design Date : 2024 //--# Description : //--# Version : 0.0 //--# Coding scheme : GBK(If the Chinese comment of the file is garbled, please do not save it and check whether the file is opened in GBK encoding mode) //--# //--############################################################################################### module top ( input clk ,//系统时钟信号; input rst ,//系统复位信号,高电平有效; input dclk ,//串行时钟输入; input din ,//输入数据; output reg dout //输出数据信号; ); reg [9 : 0] din_r ; wire dclk_r ; wire clk_200m ; //例化锁相环,生成idelaye2需要的200MHz时钟信号; clk_wiz_0 u_clk_wiz ( .clk_out1 ( clk_200m ),// output clk_out1 .reset ( rst ),// input reset .clk_in1 ( clk ) // input clk_in1 ); (* IODELAY_GROUP = "IODELAY_0" *) // Specifies group name for associated IDELAYs/ODELAYs and IDELAYCTRL IDELAYCTRL u_IDELAYCTRL ( .RDY ( ),// 1-bit output: Ready output .REFCLK ( clk_200m ),// 1-bit input: Reference clock input .RST ( rst ) // 1-bit input: Active high reset input ); //例化idelaye2对时钟信号进行延时24*78+600=24.72ns; (* IODELAY_GROUP = "IODELAY_0" *) // Specifies group name for associated IDELAYs/ODELAYs and IDELAYCTRL IDELAYE2 #( .CINVCTRL_SEL ("FALSE" ),//Enable dynamic clock inversion (FALSE, TRUE) .DELAY_SRC ("IDATAIN" ),//Delay input (IDATAIN, DATAIN) .HIGH_PERFORMANCE_MODE ("FALSE" ),//Reduced jitter ("TRUE"), Reduced power ("FALSE") .IDELAY_TYPE ("FIXED" ),//FIXED, VARIABLE, VAR_LOAD, VAR_LOAD_PIPE .IDELAY_VALUE (24 ),//Input delay tap setting (0-31) .PIPE_SEL ("FALSE" ),//Select pipelined mode, FALSE, TRUE .REFCLK_FREQUENCY (200.0 ),//IDELAYCTRL clock input frequency in MHz (190.0-210.0, 290.0-310.0). .SIGNAL_PATTERN ("CLOCK" ) //DATA, CLOCK input signal ) u_IDELAYE2 ( .CNTVALUEOUT ( ),//5-bit output: Counter value output .DATAOUT ( dclk_r ),//1-bit output: Delayed data output .C ( clk_200m ),//1-bit input: Clock input .CE ( 1'b1 ),//1-bit input: Active high enable increment/decrement input .CINVCTRL ( 'd0 ),//1-bit input: Dynamic clock inversion input .CNTVALUEIN ( 'd0 ),//5-bit input: Counter value input .DATAIN ( 'd0 ),//1-bit input: Internal delay data input .IDATAIN ( dclk ),//1-bit input: Data input from the I/O .INC ( 'd0 ),//1-bit input: Increment / Decrement tap delay input .LD ( 'd0 ),//1-bit input: Load IDELAY_VALUE input .LDPIPEEN ( 'd0 ),//1-bit input: Enable PIPELINE register to load data input .REGRST ( rst ) //1-bit input: Active-high reset tap-delay input ); //移位输出数据; always@(posedge dclk_r)begin {dout,din_r[9:0]} <= {din_r[9:0],din}; end //ila使用延时前的时钟采集din_r的数据; ila_0 u_ila_0 ( .clk (dclk ),// input wire clk .probe0 (din_r ) // input wire [9:0] probe0 ); //ila使用延时后的时钟采集din_r的数据; ila_0 u_ila_1 ( .clk (dclk_r ),// input wire clk .probe0 (din_r ) // input wire [9:0] probe0 ); endmodule
//--############################################################################################### //--# //--# File Name : top //--# Designer : 数字站 //--# Tool : Vivado 2017.4 //--# Design Date : 2024 //--# Description : //--# Version : 0.0 //--# Coding scheme : GBK(If the Chinese comment of the file is garbled, please do not save it and check whether the file is opened in GBK encoding mode) //--# //--############################################################################################### module top ( input clk ,//系统时钟信号; input rst ,//系统复位信号,高电平有效; input dclk ,//串行时钟输入; input din ,//输入数据; output reg dout //输出数据信号; ); reg [9 : 0] din_r ; wire dclk_r ; wire clk_200m ; //例化锁相环,生成idelaye2需要的200MHz时钟信号; clk_wiz_0 u_clk_wiz ( .clk_out1 ( clk_200m ),// output clk_out1 .reset ( rst ),// input reset .clk_in1 ( clk ) // input clk_in1 ); (* IODELAY_GROUP = "IODELAY_0" *) // Specifies group name for associated IDELAYs/ODELAYs and IDELAYCTRL IDELAYCTRL u_IDELAYCTRL ( .RDY ( ),// 1-bit output: Ready output .REFCLK ( clk_200m ),// 1-bit input: Reference clock input .RST ( rst ) // 1-bit input: Active high reset input ); //例化idelaye2对时钟信号进行延时24*78+600=24.72ns; (* IODELAY_GROUP = "IODELAY_0" *) // Specifies group name for associated IDELAYs/ODELAYs and IDELAYCTRL IDELAYE2 #( .CINVCTRL_SEL ("FALSE" ),//Enable dynamic clock inversion (FALSE, TRUE) .DELAY_SRC ("IDATAIN" ),//Delay input (IDATAIN, DATAIN) .HIGH_PERFORMANCE_MODE ("FALSE" ),//Reduced jitter ("TRUE"), Reduced power ("FALSE") .IDELAY_TYPE ("FIXED" ),//FIXED, VARIABLE, VAR_LOAD, VAR_LOAD_PIPE .IDELAY_VALUE (24 ),//Input delay tap setting (0-31) .PIPE_SEL ("FALSE" ),//Select pipelined mode, FALSE, TRUE .REFCLK_FREQUENCY (200.0 ),//IDELAYCTRL clock input frequency in MHz (190.0-210.0, 290.0-310.0). .SIGNAL_PATTERN ("CLOCK" ) //DATA, CLOCK input signal ) u_IDELAYE2 ( .CNTVALUEOUT ( ),//5-bit output: Counter value output .DATAOUT ( dclk_r ),//1-bit output: Delayed data output .C ( clk_200m ),//1-bit input: Clock input .CE ( 1'b1 ),//1-bit input: Active high enable increment/decrement input .CINVCTRL ( 'd0 ),//1-bit input: Dynamic clock inversion input .CNTVALUEIN ( 'd0 ),//5-bit input: Counter value input .DATAIN ( 'd0 ),//1-bit input: Internal delay data input .IDATAIN ( dclk ),//1-bit input: Data input from the I/O .INC ( 'd0 ),//1-bit input: Increment / Decrement tap delay input .LD ( 'd0 ),//1-bit input: Load IDELAY_VALUE input .LDPIPEEN ( 'd0 ),//1-bit input: Enable PIPELINE register to load data input .REGRST ( rst ) //1-bit input: Active-high reset tap-delay input ); //移位输出数据; always@(posedge dclk_r)begin {dout,din_r[9:0]} <= {din_r[9:0],din}; end //ila使用延时前的时钟采集din_r的数据; //ila_0 u_ila_0 ( // .clk (dclk ),// input wire clk // .probe0 (din_r ) // input wire [9:0] probe0 //); //ila使用延时后的时钟采集din_r的数据; //ila_0 u_ila_1 ( // .clk (dclk_r ),// input wire clk // .probe0 (din_r ) // input wire [9:0] probe0 //); endmodule
重新综合、实现工程后,在“IMPLEMENTATION”界面下双击“open Implemented Design”,如下所示。
//--############################################################################################### //--# //--# File Name : top //--# Designer : 数字站 //--# Tool : Vivado 2017.4 //--# Design Date : 2024 //--# Description : //--# Version : 0.0 //--# Coding scheme : GBK(If the Chinese comment of the file is garbled, please do not save it and check whether the file is opened in GBK encoding mode) //--# //--############################################################################################### module top ( input clk ,//系统时钟信号; input rst ,//系统复位信号,高电平有效; input dclk ,//串行时钟输入; input din ,//输入数据; output reg dout //输出数据信号; ); reg [9 : 0] din_r ; wire dclk_r ; wire clk_200m ; //例化锁相环,生成idelaye2需要的200MHz时钟信号; clk_wiz_0 u_clk_wiz ( .clk_out1 ( clk_200m ),// output clk_out1 .reset ( rst ),// input reset .clk_in1 ( clk ) // input clk_in1 ); (* IODELAY_GROUP = "IODELAY_0" *) // Specifies group name for associated IDELAYs/ODELAYs and IDELAYCTRL IDELAYCTRL u_IDELAYCTRL ( .RDY ( ),// 1-bit output: Ready output .REFCLK ( clk_200m ),// 1-bit input: Reference clock input .RST ( rst ) // 1-bit input: Active high reset input ); //例化idelaye2对时钟信号进行延时24*78+600=24.72ns; (* IODELAY_GROUP = "IODELAY_0" *) // Specifies group name for associated IDELAYs/ODELAYs and IDELAYCTRL IDELAYE2 #( .CINVCTRL_SEL ("FALSE" ),//Enable dynamic clock inversion (FALSE, TRUE) .DELAY_SRC ("DATAIN" ),//Delay input (IDATAIN, DATAIN) .HIGH_PERFORMANCE_MODE ("FALSE" ),//Reduced jitter ("TRUE"), Reduced power ("FALSE") .IDELAY_TYPE ("FIXED" ),//FIXED, VARIABLE, VAR_LOAD, VAR_LOAD_PIPE .IDELAY_VALUE (24 ),//Input delay tap setting (0-31) .PIPE_SEL ("FALSE" ),//Select pipelined mode, FALSE, TRUE .REFCLK_FREQUENCY (200.0 ),//IDELAYCTRL clock input frequency in MHz (190.0-210.0, 290.0-310.0). .SIGNAL_PATTERN ("CLOCK" ) //DATA, CLOCK input signal ) u_IDELAYE2 ( .CNTVALUEOUT ( ),//5-bit output: Counter value output .DATAOUT ( dclk_r ),//1-bit output: Delayed data output .C ( clk_200m ),//1-bit input: Clock input .CE ( 1'b1 ),//1-bit input: Active high enable increment/decrement input .CINVCTRL ( 'd0 ),//1-bit input: Dynamic clock inversion input .CNTVALUEIN ( 'd0 ),//5-bit input: Counter value input .DATAIN ( dclk ),//1-bit input: Internal delay data input .IDATAIN ( 'd0 ),//1-bit input: Data input from the I/O .INC ( 'd0 ),//1-bit input: Increment / Decrement tap delay input .LD ( 'd0 ),//1-bit input: Load IDELAY_VALUE input .LDPIPEEN ( 'd0 ),//1-bit input: Enable PIPELINE register to load data input .REGRST ( rst ) //1-bit input: Active-high reset tap-delay input ); //移位输出数据; always@(posedge dclk_r)begin {dout,din_r[9:0]} <= {din_r[9:0],din}; end //ila使用延时前的时钟采集din_r的数据; ila_0 u_ila_0 ( .clk (dclk ),// input wire clk .probe0 (din_r ) // input wire [9:0] probe0 ); //ila使用延时后的时钟采集din_r的数据; ila_0 u_ila_1 ( .clk (dclk_r ),// input wire clk .probe0 (din_r ) // input wire [9:0] probe0 ); endmodule
图12 idelaye2对内部信号延时