作者:付汉杰 hankf@amd.com
通过使用本地文件、Open Source U-Boot/Linux编译,既能适应部分开发人员的工作习惯,也能提高U-Boot/Linux的编译速度。
为了适应开发人员的工作习惯,也为了提高速度,可以使用本地文件编译,还可以可以整合OpenSource U-Boot/Linux编译。
3年前,我写了整合Xilinx PetaLinux工程编译和Open Source U- Boot/Linux编译。相比3年前,PetaLinux已经做了很多更新。因此基于PetaLinux 2021/2022版本更新,以提供更准确的办法。另外,本文中提供了完整的脚本,从PetaLinux工程自动获取U-Boot/Linux源代码,以及从PetaLinux工程目录以Open Source流程编译U-Boot/Linux并更新PetaLinux工程的BOOT.BIN、image、image.ub。
对于PetaLinux的安装,请参考Xilinx文档UG1144 PetaLinux Tools Reference Guide, 和 一键离线安装PetaLinux依赖包。
使用本地SState cache
在Xilinx下载网站嵌入式工具下载区 下载sstate cache。 目前SState cache已经分为Arm64(AArch64), Arm, mbfull, mblite四个文件。 2021.1版的AArch64 sstate cache的大小是11.84 GB,Arm sstate cache的大小是5.09 GB。 下载前,需要注册Xilinx网站的帐号。 登录后,选择aarch64 sstate-cache等,从类似于sstate_aarch64_2022.2_10071807.tar.gz 的地址下载SState cache文件。
hankf@XSZGS4:aarch64$ ls 00 06 0c 12 18 1e 24 2a 30 36 3c 42 48 4e 54 5a 60 66 6c 72 78 7e 84 8a 90 96 9c a2 a8 ae b4 ba c0 c6 cc d2 d8 de e4 ea f0 f6 fc 01 07 0d 13 19 1f 25 2b 31 37 3d 43 49 4f 55 5b 61 67 6d 73 79 7f 85 8b 91 97 9d a3 a9 af b5 bb c1 c7 cd d3 d9 df e5 eb f1 f7 fd 02 08 0e 14 1a 20 26 2c 32 38 3e 44 4a 50 56 5c 62 68 6e 74 7a 80 86 8c 92 98 9e a4 aa b0 b6 bc c2 c8 ce d4 da e0 e6 ec f2 f8 fe 03 09 0f 15 1b 21 27 2d 33 39 3f 45 4b 51 57 5d 63 69 6f 75 7b 81 87 8d 93 99 9f a5 ab b1 b7 bd c3 c9 cf d5 db e1 e7 ed f3 f9 ff 04 0a 10 16 1c 22 28 2e 34 3a 40 46 4c 52 58 5e 64 6a 70 76 7c 82 88 8e 94 9a a0 a6 ac b2 b8 be c4 ca d0 d6 dc e2 e8 ee f4 fa universal 05 0b 11 17 1d 23 29 2f 35 3b 41 47 4d 53 59 5f 65 6b 71 77 7d 83 89 8f 95 9b a1 a7 ad b3 b9 bf c5 cb d1 d7 dd e3 e9 ef f5 fb
在PetaLinux工程目录下执行命令petalinux-config,在菜单Yocto Settings->Local sstate feeds settings->local sstate feeds url设置本地SState cache的目录。
本地SState cache设置界面
对于sstate的使用,可以参考Xilinx下载网站嵌入式工具下载区的README for state-cache。
在Xilinx下载网站嵌入式工具下载区 下载 Downloads文件包。 2021.1的Downloads文件包有39.75GB。
hankf@XSZGS4:downloads$ ls acl-2.2.53.tar.gz git2_github.com.tpm2-software.tpm2-tss-engine.git.tar.gz libxml2-2.9.10.tar.gz acpica-unix-20200717.tar.gz git2_github.com.troglobit.sysklogd.git.tar.gz libXmu-1.1.3.tar.bz2 adwaita-icon-theme-3.36.1.tar.xz git2_github.com.ucb-bar.berkeley-softfloat-3.git.tar.gz libXrandr-1.5.2.tar.bz2 alsa-lib- git2_github.com.uclouvain.openjpeg.git.tar.gz libXrender-0.9.10.tar.bz2 alsa-plugins-1.2.2.tar.bz2 git2_github.com.vim.vim.git.tar.gz libXres-1.2.0.tar.bz2 alsa-tools-1.2.2.tar.bz2 ......
在petalinux-config的配置菜单" -> Yocto Settings -> Add pre-mirror url "里,输入上述文件所在的目录“file://path/downloads”。
PetaLinux在编译过程中下载所需要的文件。编译结束后,目录build/downloads/下可能含有额外下载的文件。如果来源是上述的本地downloads,那么只是文件链接。如果是从网络下载,那么就是真实的文件。可以使用命令“ls -l | grep -v ">" | grep -v done”排除链接和后缀为done的标志文件,从而只显示从网络下载的文件。
$ ls build/downloads/*.xz build/downloads/atk-2.28.1.tar.xz build/downloads/grep-3.1.tar.xz build/downloads/netbase_5.4.tar.xz build/downloads/at-spi2-atk-2.26.2.tar.xz build/downloads/gst-rtsp-server-1.14.4.tar.xz build/downloads/ofono-1.24.tar.xz build/downloads/at-spi2-core-2.28.0.tar.xz build/downloads/gtk+-2.24.32.tar.xz build/downloads/pango-1.42.4.tar.xz ... ... $ ls build/downloads/*.bz2 build/downloads/alsa-lib-1.1.6.tar.bz2 build/downloads/libassuan-2.5.1.tar.bz2 build/downloads/pcre-8.42.tar.bz2 build/downloads/alsa-plugins-1.1.6.tar.bz2 build/downloads/libgpg-error-1.32.tar.bz2 build/downloads/pixman-0.34.0.tar.bz2 build/downloads/alsa-tools-1.1.6.tar.bz2 build/downloads/libICE-1.0.9.tar.bz2 build/downloads/sysvinit-2.88dsf.tar.bz2 ... ...
在菜单Yocto Settings里,去掉“Enable Network sstate feeds”,选择“Enable BB NO NETWORK”。
使用命令“petalinux-build -c kernel”, 只编译Linux; 使用命令“petalinux-build -c u-boot”, 只编译U-Boot。。
在build目录下的子目录kernel-build-artifacts也保存了Linux的配置文件.config。对于PetaLinux 2021.1的ZCU106 BSP工程,Linux的配置文件.config在build/tmp/work-shared/zynqmp-generic/kernel-build-artifacts/。
如果使用了image.ub格式,build目录下也有创建image.ub文件的its文件。对于PetaLinux 2021.1的ZCU106 BSP工程,its文件是build/tmp/work/zynqmp_generic-xilinx-linux/linux-xlnx/5.10+gitAUTOINC+c830a552a6-r0/linux-zynqmp_generic-standard-build/fit-image-petalinux-initramfs-image.its。
在build目录下的子目录build下,保存了UBoot的配置文件.config. 对于PetaLinux 2021.1的ZCU106 BSP工程,UBoot的配置文件.config在build/tmp/work/zynqmp_generic-xilinx-linux/u-boot-xlnx/v2021.01-xilinx-v2021.1+gitAUTOINC+41fc08b3fe-r0/build/。
PetaLinux也提供Yocto的devtool工具,通过devtool能直接取得Linux和UBoot源代码。在2021及之后的版本里,PetaLinux直接提供命令petalinux-devtool,实现Yocto的devtool的功能。在2021之前的版本里,导入目录components/yocto/下的“environment-setup-aarch64-xilinx-linux” 和 “layers/core/oe-init-build-env”的环境,能使用Yocto的devtool工具。
通过执行命令“petalinux-devtool modify linux-xlnx”, Linux源代码会被保存至"components/yocto/workspace/sources/linux-xlnx"目录下。
通过执行命令“petalinux-devtool modify u-boot-xlnx”, Linux源代码会被保存至"components/yocto/workspace/sources/u-boot-xlnx"目录下。
调试完成后,再执行命令“petalinux-devtool finish linux-xlnx project-spec/meta-user”,能为Linux创建patch,并且不再使用上述代码。所以使用petalinux-devtool的方式获取代码,能更容易的创建patch,把修改合并回PetaLinux工程。
Open Source流程编译Linux和UBoot
结合devtool取得的Linux和UBoot源代码, 和build目录下的配置文件.config,可以整合Linux和UBoot的PetaLinux编译流程与Open Source 编译流程。
注意,在以Open Source流程编译Linux和UBoot之前,请先成功编译PetaLinux工程。
下述脚本通过devtool取得的Linux和UBoot源代码, 并复制build目录下的Linux和UBoot配置文件.config到各自的源代码目录中。
#!/bin/bash # Author: Hank FU, hankf@amd.com; hankf@xilinx.com; # osl-fetch-source.sh # Execute osl-fetch-source.sh in PetaLinux project directory. if [ ! -d ./project-spec/meta-user/recipes-bsp/ ]; then echo "Not PetaLinux project directory." echo "No directory: ./project-spec/meta-user/recipes-bsp " echo "Exit." exit 1 fi echo "Check image of PetaLinux project." ls -l ./images/linux/u-boot.elf ls -l ./images/linux/Image if [ ! -f ./images/linux/u-boot.elf ] || [ ! -f ./images/linux/Image ]; then echo "PetaLinux project is not built successfully." echo "Please build it first." exit 1 fi peta_dir=`pwd` # check petalinux tool echo "check petalinux tool:" which petalinux-build which petalinux-devtool petalinux_devtool=`which petalinux-devtool` echo "petalinux devtool: $petalinux_devtool" # PetaLinux 2020.1: no petalinux-devtool # source /opt/pkg/petalinux/settings.sh # source <plnx-proj-root>/components/yocto/environment-setup-aarch64-xilinx-linux # source <plnx-proj-root>/components/yocto/layers/core/oe-init-build-env if [ "$petalinux_devtool" = "" ]; then echo "Source yocto environment" # source components/yocto/environment-setup-aarch64-xilinx-linux # source components/yocto/layers/core/oe-init-build-env # No output re-direction, command "devtool" in the current bash after "source". if [ -f ./components/yocto/environment-setup-aarch64-xilinx-linux ]; then echo "Source yocto environment: aarch64" source ./components/yocto/environment-setup-aarch64-xilinx-linux elif [ -f ./components/yocto/environment-setup-cortexa72-cortexa53-xilinx-linux ]; then echo "Source yocto environment: cortexa72" source ./components/yocto/environment-setup-cortexa72-cortexa53-xilinx-linux fi source components/yocto/layers/core/oe-init-build-env # It enter directory "build" echo -e "\nShow current directory: " pwd if [ -d ../components/yocto/ ]; then cd .. fi if [ ! -d ./components/yocto/ ]; then echo -e "\nError current directory: " pwd exit fi petalinux_devtool=`which devtool` echo "petalinux devtool: $petalinux_devtool" devtool create-workspace ./components/yocto/workspace/sources fi if [ "$petalinux_devtool" = "" ]; then echo "Error: petalinux devtool is invalid" exit fi echo -e "\nShow current directory: " pwd sources_dir=$peta_dir/components/yocto/workspace/sources echo -e "\nTry to modify components into directory: $sources_dir\n" # ug1144 Table 42: petalinux-build -c Components # # Get the source code from git url specifi ed in meta-layers: # petalinux-devtool modify <recipe-name> # # Creates a patch for the committed changes in recipe sources directory. # petalinux-devtool finish <recipe-name> <destination layer path> echo -e "\nTry to modify linux-xlnx" $petalinux_devtool modify linux-xlnx linux_kernel_config_file=`find -name ".config" | grep -i kernel-build-artifacts` if [ "$linux_kernel_config_file" = "" ]; then echo "Failed to findLinux-kernel .config file."; exit 1 fi echo -e "\nLinux-kernel .config file: $linux_kernel_config_file" if [ -d $sources_dir/linux-xlnx/ ]; then cp $linux_kernel_config_file $sources_dir/linux-xlnx/config_file_used_by_petalinux # only one arch config files is valid. cp $linux_kernel_config_file $sources_dir/linux-xlnx/arch/arm64/configs/xilinx_peta_defconfig cp $linux_kernel_config_file $sources_dir/linux-xlnx/arch/arm/configs/xilinx_peta_defconfig cp $linux_kernel_config_file $sources_dir/linux-xlnx/ else echo -e "\nNo Linux-kernel source code directory" fi linux_kernel_its_file=`find -name "fit-image-petalinux*.its" | grep -i build ` if [ "$linux_kernel_its_file" = "" ]; then echo "Failed to find Linux-kernel image.ub its file."; exit 1 fi echo -e "\nLinux-kernel image.ub its file: $linux_kernel_its_file" if [ -d $sources_dir/linux-xlnx/ ]; then cp $linux_kernel_its_file $sources_dir/linux-xlnx/ else echo -e "\nNo Linux-kernel source code directory" fi echo -e "\nTry to modify u-boot-xlnx" $petalinux_devtool modify u-boot-xlnx u_boot_config_file=`find -name ".config" | grep -i u-boot-xlnx | grep -i build ` if [ "$u_boot_config_file" = "" ]; then echo "Failed to find U-Boot .config file."; exit 1 fi echo -e "\nU-boot .config file: $u_boot_config_file" if [ -d $sources_dir/u-boot-xlnx/ ]; then cp $u_boot_config_file $sources_dir/u-boot-xlnx/config_file_used_by_petalinux cp $u_boot_config_file $sources_dir/u-boot-xlnx/configs/xilinx_peta_defconfig cp $u_boot_config_file $sources_dir/u-boot-xlnx/ else echo -e "\nNo U-boot source code directory" fi echo -e "\nShow current directory: " pwd if [ -d $sources_dir/ ]; then echo -e "\nShow components that can be modified in $sources_dir/" ls -l $sources_dir/ else echo -e "\nNo components that can be modified in $sources_dir/" fi # petalinux-devtool finish <recipe-name> <destination layer path> # # petalinux-devtool reset <recipe-name> to remove the source directory for the recipe from workspace.
Open Source流程编译UBoot
在PetalLinux工程目录中执行下列脚本,能以Open Source流程编译UBoot,并自动生成BOOT.bin。
#!/bin/bash # Author: Hank FU, hankf@amd.com # osl-make-uboot.sh # Execute osl-make-uboot.sh in PetaLinux project directory. # Usage: osl-make-uboot.sh uboot_source_dir [ Default: components/yocto/workspace/sources/u-boot-xlnx] if [ ! -d ./project-spec/meta-user/recipes-bsp/ ]; then echo "Not PetaLinux project directory." echo "No directory: ./project-spec/meta-user/recipes-bsp " echo "Exit." exit 1 fi peta_dir=`pwd` echo "Current directory: $peta_dir" petalinux_tool=`which petalinux-build` if [ "$petalinux_tool" = "" ]; then echo "Error: petalinux-build is invalid" exit 1 fi # Check PetaLinux building environment variable settings. if [ "$ARCH" != "arm" ]; then if [ "$ARCH" != "arm64" ]; then echo "ARCH is not set correctly."; exit 1 fi fi if [ "$CROSS_COMPILE" = "" ]; then echo "CROSS_COMPILE is not set."; exit 1 fi echo "PetaLinux building environment variable is set."; echo "ARCH: $ARCH" echo -e "CROSS_COMPILE: $CROSS_COMPILE\n" uboot_dir=$1 if [ "$uboot_dir" = "" ]; then if [ -d ./components/yocto/workspace/sources/u-boot-xlnx/arch/arm/ ]; then uboot_dir=./components/yocto/workspace/sources/u-boot-xlnx else uboot_dir= fi fi if [ ! -d $uboot_dir ]; then echo "No U-Boot source directory: $uboot_dir" echo "Usage: $0 uboot_source_dir [ Default: components/yocto/workspace/sources/u-boot-xlnx]" exit 1 fi cd $uboot_dir echo "U-Boot source directory: " pwd if [ ! -f .config ]; then echo "Has no config file: .config." echo "U-Boot source code not configured." exit 1 fi make -j ls -l -h u-boot.elf if [ ! -f u-boot.elf ]; then echo "Failed to build U-Boot in directory: $peta_dir/$uboot_dir" exit 1 fi cd $peta_dir rm -f images/linux/BOOT.BIN cp $uboot_dir/u-boot.elf ./images/linux/ petalinux-package --boot --u-boot $uboot_dir/u-boot.elf --force ls -l -h images/linux/BOOT.BIN
Open Source流程编译Linux
还可以根据上述的its文件,创建image.ub。但是PetaLinux的its文件引用dtb文件、rootfs文件时,使用了内部的绝对路径,建议改成PetaLinux工程的images/linux目录。 注意下面的its文件,system-top.dtb被改为了system.dtb,petalinux-initramfs-image-zynqmp-generic.cpio.gz改为了rootfs.cpio.gz, 而且路径也改到了PetaLinux的images/linux目录。总之,要保证its文件中的设备树文件路径正确,文件系统的cpio.gz文件路径正确。
/dts-v1/; / { description = "U-Boot fitImage for PetaLinux/5.10+gitAUTOINC+c830a552a6/zynqmp-generic"; #address-cells = <1>; images { kernel-1 { description = "Linux kernel"; data = /incbin/("linux.bin"); type = "kernel"; arch = "arm64"; os = "linux"; compression = "gzip"; load = <0x80000>; entry = <0x80000>; hash-1 { algo = "sha256"; }; }; fdt-system-top.dtb { description = "Flattened Device Tree blob"; /* data = /incbin/("/proj/hankf/v211/zcu106-bsp-peta/build/tmp/work/zynqmp_generic-xilinx-linux/linux-xlnx/5.10+gitAUTOINC+c830a552a6-r0/recipe-sysroot/boot/devicetree/system-top.dtb"); */ data = /incbin/("/proj/hankf/v211/zcu106-bsp-peta/images/linux/system.dtb"); type = "flat_dt"; arch = "arm64"; compression = "none"; hash-1 { algo = "sha256"; }; }; ramdisk-1 { description = "petalinux-initramfs-image"; /* data = /incbin/("/proj/hankf/v211/zcu106-bsp-peta/build/tmp/deploy/images/zynqmp-generic/petalinux-initramfs-image-zynqmp-generic.cpio.gz"); */ data = /incbin/("/proj/hankf/v211/zcu106-bsp-peta/images/linux/rootfs.cpio.gz"); type = "ramdisk"; arch = "arm64"; os = "linux"; compression = "none"; hash-1 { algo = "sha256"; }; }; }; configurations { default = "conf-system-top.dtb"; conf-system-top.dtb { description = "1 Linux kernel, FDT blob, ramdisk"; kernel = "kernel-1"; fdt = "fdt-system-top.dtb"; ramdisk = "ramdisk-1"; hash-1 { algo = "sha256"; }; }; }; };
在PetalLinux工程目录中执行下列脚本,能以Open Source流程编译Linux,并将Image、Image.ub文件复制到PetalLinux 工程目录中的目录“images/linux/”。
#!/bin/bash # Author: Hank FU, hankf@amd.com # osl-make-linux.sh # Execute osl-make-linux.sh in PetaLinux project directory. # Usage: osl-make-linux.sh linux_source_dir [ Default: components/yocto/workspace/sources/linux-xlnx] if [ ! -d ./project-spec/meta-user/recipes-bsp/ ]; then echo "Not PetaLinux project directory." echo "No directory: ./project-spec/meta-user/recipes-bsp " echo "Exit." exit 1 fi peta_dir=`pwd` echo "Current directory: $peta_dir" petalinux_tool=`which petalinux-build` if [ "$petalinux_tool" = "" ]; then echo "Error: petalinux-build is invalid" exit 1 fi # Check PetaLinux building environment variable settings. if [ "$ARCH" != "arm" ]; then if [ "$ARCH" != "arm64" ]; then echo "ARCH is not set correctly."; exit 1 fi fi if [ "$CROSS_COMPILE" = "" ]; then echo "CROSS_COMPILE is not set."; exit 1 fi echo "PetaLinux building environment variable is set."; echo "ARCH: $ARCH" echo -e "CROSS_COMPILE: $CROSS_COMPILE\n" linux_dir=$1 if [ "$linux_dir" = "" ]; then if [ -d ./components/yocto/workspace/sources/linux-xlnx/arch/arm/ ]; then linux_dir=./components/yocto/workspace/sources/linux-xlnx else linux_dir= fi fi if [ ! -d $linux_dir ]; then echo "No Linux kernel directory: $linux_dir" echo "Usage: $0 linux_source_dir [ Default: components/yocto/workspace/sources/linux-xlnx]" exit 1 fi cd $linux_dir echo "Linux kernel directory: " pwd echo "" if [ ! -f .config ]; then echo "Has no config file: .config." echo "Linux kernel source code not configured." exit 1 fi make -j ls -l -h ./arch/arm64/boot/Image ls -l -h vmlinux if [ ! -f ./arch/arm64/boot/Image ]; then echo "Failed to build Linux in directory: $peta_dir/$linux_dir" exit 1 fi # Build image.ub if [ -f vmlinux ]; then echo "Linux vmlinux in directory: $peta_dir/$linux_dir:: " ls -l vmlinux linux_kernel_its_file=` find -name "fit-image-petalinux*.its" ` if [ ! "$linux_kernel_its_file" = "" ]; then echo "Create image.ub by using its file: $linux_kernel_its_file." rm -f linux_objcopy.bin rm -f linux.bin rm -f image.ub aarch64-linux-gnu-objcopy -O binary -R .note -R .comment -S vmlinux linux_objcopy.bin gzip -9 linux_objcopy.bin mv -f linux_objcopy.bin.gz linux.bin mkimage -f $linux_kernel_its_file image.ub else echo "No image.ub its file in directory: $peta_dir/$linux_dir" fi else echo "Failed to build Linux vmlinux in directory: $peta_dir/$linux_dir" fi # Copy Image and image.ub to PetaLinux project's directory: images/linux/ cd $peta_dir rm -f images/linux/Image rm -f images/linux/image.ub cp $linux_dir/arch/arm64/boot/Image ./images/linux/ cp $linux_dir/image.ub ./images/linux/ ls -l -h images/linux/Image ls -l -h images/linux/image.ub
错误"Failed to find U-Boot .config file."
使用上述脚本osl-fetch-source.sh,获取Linux和UBoot源代码时,找不到UBoot的配置文件.config,得到错误"Failed to find U-Boot .config file."。
请在project-spec/meta-user/conf/petalinuxbsp.conf里,添加如下内容,保留Linux和UBoot源代码和配置文件.config。 修改后,删除build目录下的所有文件,再编译,就能找到UBoot的配置文件.config。
RM_WORK_EXCLUDE += "linux-xlnx" RM_WORK_EXCLUDE += "u-boot-xlnx"
错误"The source tree is not clean"
在使用OpenSource Linux编译流程后,再回到Petalinux的编译,执行petalinux-build会得到下列错误。需要在Linux的源代码目录,执行命令“make mrproper”,清理Linux的源代码目录。
NOTE: Executing Tasks NOTE: linux-xlnx: compiling from external source tree /proj/hankf/v211/zcu106-bsp-peta/components/yocto/workspace/sources/linux-xlnx ERROR: linux-xlnx-5.10+git999-r0 do_compile: oe_runmake failed ERROR: linux-xlnx-5.10+git999-r0 do_compile: Execution of '/proj/hankf/v211/zcu106-bsp-peta/build/tmp/work/zynqmp_generic-xilinx-linux/linux-xlnx/5.10+git999-r0/temp/run.do_compile.49655' failed with exit code 1: *** *** The source tree is not clean, please run 'make mrproper' *** in /proj/hankf/v211/zcu106-bsp-peta/components/yocto/workspace/sources/linux-xlnx *** make[1]: *** [/proj/hankf/v211/zcu106-bsp-peta/components/yocto/workspace/sources/linux-xlnx/Makefile:547: outputmakefile] Error 1 make: *** [/proj/hankf/v211/zcu106-bsp-peta/components/yocto/workspace/sources/linux-xlnx/Makefile:185: __sub-make] Error 2 WARNING: /proj/hankf/v211/zcu106-bsp-peta/build/tmp/work/zynqmp_generic-xilinx-linux/linux-xlnx/5.10+git999-r0/temp/run.do_compile.49655:306 exit 1 from 'exit 1' WARNING: Backtrace (BB generated script): #1: bbfatal_log, /proj/hankf/v211/zcu106-bsp-peta/build/tmp/work/zynqmp_generic-xilinx-linux/linux-xlnx/5.10+git999-r0/temp/run.do_compile.49655, line 306 #2: die, /proj/hankf/v211/zcu106-bsp-peta/build/tmp/work/zynqmp_generic-xilinx-linux/linux-xlnx/5.10+git999-r0/temp/run.do_compile.49655, line 286 #3: oe_runmake, /proj/hankf/v211/zcu106-bsp-peta/build/tmp/work/zynqmp_generic-xilinx-linux/linux-xlnx/5.10+git999-r0/temp/run.do_compile.49655, line 161 #4: kernel_do_compile, /proj/hankf/v211/zcu106-bsp-peta/build/tmp/work/zynqmp_generic-xilinx-linux/linux-xlnx/5.10+git999-r0/temp/run.do_compile.49655, line 197 #5: do_compile, /proj/hankf/v211/zcu106-bsp-peta/build/tmp/work/zynqmp_generic-xilinx-linux/linux-xlnx/5.10+git999-r0/temp/run.do_compile.49655, line 152 #6: main, /proj/hankf/v211/zcu106-bsp-peta/build/tmp/work/zynqmp_generic-xilinx-linux/linux-xlnx/5.10+git999-r0/temp/run.do_compile.49655, line 310 Backtrace (metadata-relative locations): #1: bbfatal_log, /proj/hankf/v211/zcu106-bsp-peta/components/yocto/layers/core/meta/classes/logging.bbclass, line 72 #2: die, /proj/hankf/v211/zcu106-bsp-peta/components/yocto/layers/core/meta/classes/base.bbclass, line 56 #3: oe_runmake, /proj/hankf/v211/zcu106-bsp-peta/components/yocto/layers/core/meta/classes/base.bbclass, line 65 #4: kernel_do_compile, /proj/hankf/v211/zcu106-bsp-peta/components/yocto/layers/meta-petalinux/oe-core/meta/classes/kernel.bbclass, line 349 #5: do_compile, autogenerated, line 2
在执行命令“petalinux-devtool reset”,停止使用外部源代码后,再通过命令“petalinux-devtool modify”获取源代码,可能得到下列错误。请删除Petalinux工程的build目录下的所有文件,再重新编译Petalinux工程,再通过命令“petalinux-devtool modify”获取源代码。
NOTE: Executing Tasks ERROR: Error executing a python function in exec_python_func() autogenerated: The stack trace of python calls that resulted in this exception/failure was: File: 'exec_python_func() autogenerated', lineno: 2, function: <module> 0001: *** 0002:devtool_post_patch(d) 0003: File: '/proj/hankf/v211/zcu106-bsp-peta/components/yocto/layers/core/meta/classes/devtool-source.bbclass', lineno: 226, function: devtool_post_patch 0222: bb.build.exec_func('do_patch', localdata) 0223: rm_patches() 0224: # Now we need to reconcile the new branch with the no-overrides one 0225: # (otherwise we'd likely be left with identical commits that have different hashes) *** 0226: bb.process.run('git rebase devtool-no-overrides', cwd=srcsubdir) 0227: bb.process.run('git checkout %s' % devbranch, cwd=srcsubdir) 0228: bb.process.run('git tag -f devtool-patched', cwd=srcsubdir) 0229:} 0230: File: '/proj/hankf/v211/zcu106-bsp-peta/components/yocto/layers/core/bitbake/lib/bb/process.py', lineno: 184, function: run 0180: if not stderr is None: 0181: stderr = stderr.decode("utf-8") 0182: 0183: if pipe.returncode != 0: *** 0184: raise ExecutionError(cmd, pipe.returncode, stdout, stderr) 0185: return stdout, stderr Exception: bb.process.ExecutionError: Execution of 'git rebase devtool-no-overrides' failed with exit code 128: fatal: It seems that there is already a rebase-apply directory, and I wonder if you are in the middle of another rebase. If that is the case, please try git rebase (--continue | --abort | --skip) If that is not the case, please rm -fr ".git/rebase-apply" and run me again. I am stopping in case you still have something valuable there.
Ubuntu 18.04
PetaLinux 2021.1/2022.1
PetaLinux 2021.1/2022.1 ZCU106 BSP
PetaLinux 2021.1/2022.1 KR260 BSP
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