对 Versal 设计使用 Vivado DFX 时出现硬件故障,我怎样才能避免这种情况?
如果设计的静态区域 (NSU) 内有 DDRMC 端口,且该端口仅供可重配置分区 (NMU) 访问,则可能发生硬件故障。
在 Vivado 2022.1 版本中,对此情况会报告以下 DRC。
HDPR-124 HDPR #1 Static DDRMC 'Top_i/axi_noc_0/inst/MC0_ddrc/inst/noc_ddr4_phy/inst/u_ddrmc_main' PORT0 is connected to a reconfigurable NoC master 'Top_i/RP2_0/axi_noc_0/inst/S01_AXI_nmu/bd_6a9a_S01_AXI_nmu_0_top_INST/NOC_NMU512_INST'. This port has no static connection. This type of connection is not recommended as it could lead to incorrect configuration of the reconfigurable region. Please establish a static path to this DDRMC port.